South Shore Primary Care Centre, 575 Lytham Road, Blackpool, FY4 1TJ
Telephone: 01253 201365
Sorry, we're closed
Routine consultations are available by appointment with Doctors, Nurse Practitioners and Practice Nurses each day.
Please note that not all our Doctors and Nurses are full time and may vary their working day. Urgent requests for appointments are dealt with throughout the day via our Triage System where a Clinician will return your call as soon as possible to assess the urgency of your request, either offering you an appointment or treatment as soon as is practically possible.
For an appointment please contact the surgery on 01253 201365.
Urgent conditions are always seen on the day. If your condition is non-urgent it will be assessed on a case by case basis in a timely manner, though you may have to wait longer if you request to see a particular GP.
Say immediately if your call is an emergency tell us if you are in a telephone box we can return your call. Let us know if more than one person in the family needs to be seen as we can make you a longer appointment if necessary.
Tell us if you want someone to accompany you during an examination or need a private room to discuss any matters.
If you need to be examined intimately you will always be offered a chaperone.
You can book to have a telephone consultation with a doctor or nurse. They will ring you at an agreed time on the telephone number you have given. This will usually be at the end of surgery unless it is an immediate emergency.
Our Reception Team will ask what your problem is so they can signpost you to the most appropriate Clinician to treat you.
If you have a mobile phone and we know your number we will text you a reminder the day before to keep or cancel your appointment.
If you are unable to attend an appointment for any reason please let us know as soon as possible.
Please help us to use our clinical time effectively as many appointments are lost each week when patients do not inform us they cannot attend.
Need an appointment?
You can see a GP, nurse or other health professional at evenings and weekends?
Seven days a week 8 til late.
Evening and weekend appointments are available with GPs, practice nurses and other healthcare professionals for routine pre-booked services.
The Fylde Coast NHS is committed to improving access to primary care services. This includes making appointments available at times that are convenient to patients.
If you:
then this service is here to support you.
The Fylde Coast NHS has arranged for additional appointments to be provided outside of normal GP practice hours by the Fylde Coast Integrated Urgent Care Service.
The service offers pre-bookable and same-day routine primary care appointments with a range of clinicians including GPs, nurses and health care assistants.
Please be aware that this is not a walk-in service – you must have an appointment.
The service employs local clinicians from the Fylde Coast, where possible.
Day | Blackpool | Fleetwood | Freckleton | Garstang and Over Wyre (alternate Saturdays) |
Monday | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 9.30pm | |
Tuesday | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 9.30pm | |
Wednesday | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 8pm | ||
Thursday | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 9.30pm | |
Friday | 6.30pm to 8pm | 6.30pm to 8pm | ||
Saturday | 8am to 8pm | 8am to 2pm | 8am to 2pm | 8am to 2.30pm |
Sunday | 8am to 8pm | 8am to 2pm | 8am to 2pm |
(Opening hours may be subject to change)
An appointment must have been booked in advance of visiting the service.
When your GP practice is open
To book an appointment, contact your GP practice.
When your GP practice is closed
Appointments may also be booked when the service in Blackpool, Fleetwood, Freckleton, Garstang and Over Wyre is open, by calling 01253 952950.
Appointments are for pre-bookable and same-day routine and not for urgent care. If urgent care is required please call NHS111 for advice.
When you book an appointment the practice will ask you for consent to share your detailed GP record with the Clinician providing the care.
Should you need to cancel your appointment please contact your GP practice. If your GP practice is closed, please call 01253 952950 to cancel.
Whitegate Health Centre
150 Whitegate Drive
Fleetwood Health and Wellbeing Centre
Dock Street
Freckleton Health Centre
Douglas Drive
Garstang Medical Practice
Kepple Lane
Over Wyre:
Over Wyre Medical Centre
Wilkinson Way
Our Doctors see four patients or more in Practice in the time it takes to do a single home visit. For this reason, we ask our patients to come to the Practice if at all possible. We also have specialist equipment available in surgery should you require an examination. However we can visit you at home if your condition means you cannot attend the practice.
If you do require a home visit please try to ring before 10.00am and let us know if your condition is urgent.
You will be visited by the DUTY DOCTOR ON CALL.
Stonyhill Medical Practice offers patients registered with our practice a full GP service when our practice is closed.
When calling the surgery telephone number a recorded message will inform you to dial ***111***
Or hold and your call will be re-directed automatically to the 111 service that will triage your call and direct you to the best possible care for your condition.
You can also attend The Walk-In Centre located at Whitegate Drive Health Centre, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool FY3 9ES. The Walk in Centre is open every day from 8.00am – 8.00pm. You do not need an appointment to attend. Alternatively, telephone 01253 655871.
Whatever the day or time, if you or someone else experiences severe chest pain, loss of blood or suspected broken bones, go to your nearest Accident and emergency department or call 999.
Accident and emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and can assess serious injuries and provide emergency treatment.
If English is not your preferred language, you can choose to use a confidential translation service.